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Q: Can you mill tungsten carbide?
Generally, Tungsten Carbide will be grinded with diamond tools or machined by electrical discharge machining (EDM). Though Tungsten Carbide is machinable by using these machining methods, the machining process is destined to face multiple difficulties and challenges.
Q: What is the feed and speed for milling tungsten??
Feed: A feed of 0.003” per tooth should be used as a starting point. Speed: A speed range between 75 to 750 surface feet per minute should be used with tungsten carbide tools. This speed should be adjusted to the depth of the cut, with a deeper cutting angle translating to a slower speed.
Q: What is the end mill cutting rule?
An end mill can only remove a certain amount of material at once. The maximum depth and width of cut is 1/2 of the end mill diameter. For example, a 1/2" end mill can cut no more than 1/4" deep and 1/4" wide in a single pass. A slotting cut is an exception to the width of cut rule.
Q: Why is tungsten difficult to machine?
Since crystal grains of tungsten are much harder than that of molybdenum, milling it can rapidly wear the cutting edges of the tool. Even worse, tungsten is brittle and prone to cracking and breaking during machining operations. As mentioned above, tungsten is ultra-hard and is extremely difficult to machine.
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